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RSTARS Data Entry Guide Ch #2 System Processing

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encumbrance accounting for government organizations

Taxes, Licenses and Permits, Intergovernmental revenues, charges for services, fines and forfeits. The Board tentatively agreed to continue to develop all of the alternative terminology clarifications and illustrative fund balance displays in the issues paper with the objective of issuing an Invitation to Comment later this year. Although designations are currently optional, the Board tentatively agreed that the alternative representing current practice should illustrate them and that fund balance will be shown in three components—reserved, unreserved-designated, and unreserved-undesignated. The nonexpendable corpus of a permanent fund should be reported as reserved fund balance , because it is not available for appropriation. The Board first discussed the revised fund balance category definitions and the specific guidance that would accompany the definitions in a proposed standard. The Board reached tentative conclusions on the five questions asked in the staff paper.

Comptroller object, agency object, or grant object can define rates charged in the CMIA module. Within each category were created more separate accounts for different specific legal expenditures. The change will allow governments to analyze and compare costs much more effectively.


These include basic accounting requirements, such as budgetary and general ledger accounting, and more sophisticated cost accounting requirements, such as program accounting, indirect cost accumulation and allocation, cash management, and grant accounting. A common terminology and classification should be used consistently throughout the budget, the accounts, and the financial reports of each fund.

  • Promotes bottom-up rather than top-down budgeting, with each unit presenting its fiscal requirements for approval in the absence of coordinated sets of goals and strategies.
  • Encumbrances – Commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services should be utilized to the extent necessary to assure effective budgetary control and to facilitate cash planning.
  • Flexible budgets – Are usually regarded as managerial tools, which do not set a ceiling on expenses or expenditures but establish a plan for them at various levels of service.
  • After agreeing to several clarifications and wording changes in the proposed definitions, the Board agreed with the fund balance classifications and their revised definitions as modified.
  • For example, items reported as “other financing sources” and “other financing uses” under the GAAP basis of accounting may be classified as revenues and expenditures under the budgetary basis of accounting.

As a result of the review, several organization and editorial changes were made to the draft. For example, the Board tentatively decided to reorganize portions of the draft to bring together all of the fund balance disclosures in a common section of the document. The Board began the session by considering the resolution of issues that had arisen during the discussion of the preballot draft at the January meeting. The Board generally agreed with the changes that the project staff had proposed in the ballot draft. The Board modified two paragraphs in the Basis for Conclusions section of the draft to further clarify positions taken in establishing the spending prioritization provisions in the standard. After tentatively accepting the changes to the ballot draft, the Board voted by a six to one majority to issue Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governemtal Fund Type Definitions.

External Encumbrance

They also suggested that the Board address that situation in the final standard. The final standard should continue the requirement in the exposure draft to present both limited and assigned fund balance classifications and to not combine the two classifications. Negative comments from respondents covered a wide range of specific issues about the classifications.

The Board reviewed a second revised draft of the standards section during the January teleconference meeting and considered the pre-ballot draft at the regular January meeting. At that meeting, the Board added a discussion in the Standards section to address residual amounts in funds other than the general fund that no longer qualify as limited or assigned fund balance and the disclosure requirement for encumbrances. The Board also agreed to include a discussion in the Basis for Conclusions to address governments’ spending prioritization accounting policies and the related disclosure requirement and expand the discussion of issues related to the capital projects fund definition. The Board discussed the ballot draft during the February teleconference meeting, and after agreeing to modifications in certain paragraphs of the Basis for Conclusions, unanimously approved the Exposure Draft for issuance. Code Debt Service Funds – should be used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest. Financial resources that are being accumulated for principal and interest maturing in future years also should be reported in debt service funds.

Encumbrance Accounting in Procure to Pay Process Flow

Index is another coding reduction feature that focuses on the Organization Structure of an agency. The R⋆STARS classification structure provides up to nine levels of internal organizational classifications. Index has the capability to imply an Agency’s Fund Structure, Appropriation Number, Organization Structure, PCA, Agency Code, Grant and Project. ◾ Reporting indicators to determine when to run monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. ◾ Indicators that determine the effect of encumbrances and pre-encumbrances on agency budget controls.

encumbrance accounting for government organizations

« Great product, especially for contract-based funding. Very helpful for processing monthly reimbursements. Many options and configurations available. » Information about the sources of the funds is needed to evaluate Pepys’s financial management. It will probably be invested or kept in an income-earning account, in which case it cannot be used for working capital purposes. The existence of substantial interfund loans, particularly those of long tenure and in which the “debtor” fund seems to lack the resources to repay such a loan, also indicates fiscal stress. Nonprofits’ objectives differ from those of for-profit organizations to such a degree that similar formats would be misleading and would misdirect those evaluating the financial management of nonprofits.

Types of Encumbrances

In cases where the use of technical accounting terms cannot be avoided, those terms should be clearly defined and fully explained. All of a government’s component units and funds that are reported in the GAAP financial statements may not be included in the government’s budget document (e.g., a school district included in the GAAP financial statements may not be incorporated into the budget). Rainy Day ReserveCreated by the 2007 budget reform legislation, this fund may be used to respond to an economic downturn or catastrophic event, as defined in the law.

  • 500,000 in restricted gifts is not used for the designated purposes, the amount is returnable to the donors.
  • They can also be used to predict cash outflow and as a general planning tool.
  • Declines in the amount of unreserved fund balance may signal deterioration in the financial condition of the entity.
  • Regarding how to classify the fund balance of a fund that is in a deficit position, the Board tentatively accepted the staff’s recommendation that funds in a deficit condition report a negative amount in the unassigned classification for all governmental funds.
  • Our solutions for regulated financial departments and institutions help customers meet their obligations to external regulators.
  • Accrual of interest at year-end is usually necessary to reflect the proper amount of expense for the period.

Federal Fund reports present agency accountability on the use of Federal Funds. To comply with certain regulations, an agency may be required to generate financial data in the form of special reports. To facilitate the Federal audit process, detailed transaction reports are available to support the trial balance data. To provide maximum flexibility for management, general ledger accounting is performed at several levels of detail. At the highest level, the D20 – GAAP Fund Group Profile, general ledger control information is available for groups of funds, such as Governmental and Proprietary groups. WithinD21 GAAP Fund Types, the D24 – GAAP Fund Profile provides additional detail as required for the combining statements. The system provides for a self-balancing general ledger at theD24 profile level, D23 – Fund Profile level, and project and grant levels of detail.


Encumbrance accounting is also referred to as commitment accounting, which involves setting aside money ahead of time to meet anticipated expenses. The amount is set aside encumbrance accounting by recording a reserve for encumbrance account in the general ledger. This is to ensure that the organization has sufficient funds to meet anticipated payment obligations.

What is the journal entry for encumbrances?

Encumbrance journal entries and accounting are also sometimes called commitment accounting. This naming makes more sense when you realize that encumbrance enables budgetary control by recording money that is allocated for future projects, preventing over-expenditure of a budget.

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